Resin Injection Corrects Office Building Wall Settlement

Resin Injection Corrects Office Building Wall Settlement

Greensboro, North Carolina

Spectrum, owned by Charter Communications, is an internet provider operating out of a multi-story office building in Greensboro, N.C. The structure was experiencing signs of settlement distress along the northern, western, and southern walls. This settlement caused cracking in the structure’s precast panels, and also caused the rear patio to move. Resin injection is an ideal fix when specific areas need to be addressed.

Based on observations of the physical settlement damage, conversations with the client, and the provided limited building distress study by S&ME dated August 5, 2020, UMA chose to utilize High Density Polymer Resin (HDPR) injections along the foundation of the northern, western, and southern walls.

UMA injected HDPR for soil improvement by performing a series of UMA Deep Injections (UDI) to approximate depths of 4, 7, and 10 feet below grade along the foundation of the north, south, and west walls that were being treated.

Our crews avoided disrupting Spectrum’s operations during construction. We also left the site cleaner since resin injection is a minimally invasive process that allows us to repair foundations without mass excavation. UMA’s deep injections were intended to consolidate and improve loose materials and create a HDPR/soil matrix to help mitigate future settlement in this area. Not only did we eliminate the physical signs of distress eliminated at the Spectrum building, but we also left the structure on a stronger foundation.